Suomalainen sarjakuva on tänä vuonna panostanut kulttuurivientiin Saksaan ja Euroopan saksankielisille alueille. Reprodukt-kustantamon julkaisema Comic Atlas Finnland -antologia on esitellyt kiinnostavimpia nykynimiä saksaksi. Teos on osa Suomen sarjakuvaseuran lanseeramaa Finnish Comics Annual -kirjasarjaa. Lisäksi mm. Ville Tietäväisen Näkymättömät kädet -saksannos, Unsichtbare Hände (avant-verlag) on herättänyt runsaasti huomiota.
Sarjakuva-alan tapahtumissa on suomalaisin voimin oltu mukana mm. Berliinin Suomi-instituutilla, Wienin pääkirjastolla, Fumetto-festivaalilla Sveitsin Luzernissa, Erlangenin Comic-Salon-festivaalilla ja Hampurin sarjakuvafestivaalilla. Lokakuun lopussa on vielä luvassa sarjakuvatapahtuma Münchenin Literaturhausissa.
Teemavuosi on ollut menestyksekäs ja huipentuu nyt läsnäoloon Frankfurtin kirjamessuille (8.–12.10.2014). Kyseessä on kirjallisuusalan suurin tapahtuma maailmassa. Suomi on tämän vuoden teemamaa ja Frankfurtissa on suomalaisen kirjallisuuden lisäksi luvassa runsaasti sarjakuva-aiheista ohjelmaa. Suomen sarjakuvaseura on kirjamessuilla läsnä yhteistyössä FILI:n kanssa.
Linkki Comic Atlas Finnland Event -tapahtumaan Frankfurtin Gallus Zentrumissa 11.10.14
Linkki finnland.culture.clubbing: Comic, Musik & Performance mit Ville Ranta & Petteri Tikkanen -tapahtumaan Münchenin Literaturhausissa 17.10.14
Finnish Literature Exhchange
Frankfurter Buchmesse
Sarjakuvaohjelmaa Frankfurtin kirjamessuilla:
Paschen Literary Lounge
Friday 10.10. at 11.00. 60 mins.
Comic Atlas Finnland is a BIG showcase on the contemporary Finnish scene. And what it cannot tell is shown in the German-Finnish issue of the magazine Kutikuti. Three activists: Kalle Hakkola, Tommi Musturi and Terhi Ekebom present the collections and discuss styles, topics and ways of establishing respect for comics, at home and internationally.
Forum Dialog
Friday 10.10. at 16.15, 60 mins
Graphic novel and politics
Ville Tietäväinen and Tommi Musturi
Ville Tietäväinen’s Unsichtbare Hände and Tommi Musturi’s Unterwegs mit Samuel throw their characters into a world suffering under strong and destructive powers. Illegal and inhuman immigration on the Mediterranean sea and a world losing its’ beauty and humane dimension are the scenes of these powerful stories.
Stiftung Buchkunst
Saturday 11.10. at 10.00, 60 mins
Dreaming and travelling, horrors and change
Ville Tietäväinen and Petteri Tikkanen
Ville Tietäväinen and Petteri Tikkanen are comic artists of graphic novels, rather rare on the small Finnish book market. Both are receivers of the Finlandia Comic Prize. Tietäväinen’s Unsichtbare Hände tells about Rashid who breaks up from Morocco, seeking a better life in Europe. Tikkanen tells about a Finnish boy, Eero, and his struggle growing up. Where do dreams lead their dreamers?
Saturday 11.10. at 10.30, 60 mins
Tommi Musturi, Kalle Hakkola and Terhi Ekebom
A small market for comics, but with great respect internationally. Meet Finnish comics experts Kalle Hakkola from the Finnish comics center, artists Tommi Musturi and Terhi Ekebom for the complete story on what is going on up in the North! And then: read Comic Atlas Finnland and Finnish-German magazine Kutikuti. Experimental, moving and daring – see for yourself!
Hot spot Education
Saturday 11.10. at 12.00, 30 mins.
Teaching comics the Finnish way
Creating comics can be empowering, for both children and elderly, it can be used as an educational tool in school, it can be part of a street festival or be studied on academic level. The Finnish Comics Society has experimented with and created structures for how to teach comics. Hear the story, told by Kalle Hakkola (Finnisch comics centre) and the artists/teachers Tommi Musturi and Terhi Ekebom.
Children’s Books Centre
Saturday 11.10. at 16.00, 60 mins.
Companions for life: Meet the Moomins!
Michael Groenewald and Matthias Wieland
Tove Jansson (1914-2001) created a world of friendly but complex characters, inhabitants of the Moomin valley. In the late 1950’s her comic strips were read by 20 million readers in 40 countries in 120 daily newspapers. Meet experts Michael Groenewald and Matthias Wieland, who have introduced the Moomin, little My, the Hemulen and all the others for a new generation of readers in Germany.
FinGer Comic battles
Saturday 11.10.
part one: Finnland Pavilion at 14.30
Team: Tommi Musturi, Petteri Tikkanen and Terhi Ekebom
part two: LeseInsel at 17.00
Team: Tommi Musturi, Petteri Tikkanen and Terhi Ekebom
Finland meets Germany in the FINNLAND. COOL. pavilion.
Germany meets Finland on German soil.
Sunday 12.10. 12.30, 30 mins
Christian Maiwald and Michael Groenewald
Tove Jansson was a pioneer in the development of comics of the 20th century. In the late 1950’s her comic strips were read by 20 million readers in 40 countries in 120 daily newspapers. Meet experts Michael Groenewald and Matthias Wieland, who have introduced the Moomin, little My, the Hemulen and all the others for a new generation of readers in Germany.